Tournament Format & Rules
All play will be conducted under USGA Rules and applicable local rules under the direction of the City Tournament Committee.
- Qualifying Round – 18 holes stroke play – for all but exempt entrants.* A tie for the last qualifier’s place will be decided by a hole-by-hole playoff to start 15 minutes after completion of the qualifying round. *Exemptions – The low 100 players, plus ties, from the previous year’s tournament will be exempt from qualifying. In the event a full field of 100 exemptions is not filled, places will be added to the qualifying round to create a field of 150 players. There will be no alternates.
- The number of competitors in the qualifying round will determine the number of qualifying sites. If more than one qualifying site is used, tournament berths will be split proportionally between the primary site, Fendrich Golf Course and the overflow site, Helfrich Hills Golf Course. Course assignments will be made by blind draw.
- The championship shall be contested over 72 holes unless shortened by weather or unforeseen conditions. The low 40 scorers and ties, or any player within 10 shots of the leader after 36 holes, will qualify for the final 36 holes. In the event one of the first two rounds is canceled because of weather or other circumstances, the low 40 scorers and any player within five shots of the leader will advance to the final two rounds.
- Entry fee includes green fees.
- Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a round unless authorized by the Committee. Penalty: two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum per round: four strokes. Use of any unauthorized form of transportation must be discontinued immediately upon discovery. Otherwise, the player is disqualified.
- During the competition, a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device. If during a round, a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., elevation changes, wind speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3.
- In the event a second qualifying course is used, course assignments will be made by blind draw when necessary. No player is guaranteed his choice of course.
- If one of the final two rounds is rained out or canceled, the Tournament Committee will decide what course of action to follow.
- In the event of a tie, the championship will be decided in a hole-by-hole sudden-death playoff, beginning on the hole designated by the Tournament Committee.
- All contestants are required to wear proper attire. Cut-offs and tank tops are expressly prohibited. Penalty: disqualification.
- All contestants and their caddies are prohibited from possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages during the stipulated round. Penalty: disqualification.
- All contestants are expected to play without undue delay and to complete each 18-hole round within 4 1/2 hours. Penalties for violations during a round: first offense, warning; second offense, one stroke; third offense, additional two strokes; subsequent offense, disqualification.
- Tournament Committee may use its discretion as to proof of residency.
- For players making the final two rounds, a practice round at the courses in play may be arranged by calling the pro shops. These are usually held on designated dates that will be publicized on the tournament website.
- The champion and runner-up will receive trophies. In the event of ties for second, all runners-up will receive trophies. Other Top 10 finishers will receive plaques. Players shooting low rounds at the courses in play will receive mementos.
- The competition will be deemed to have closed when the championship trophy has been awarded.
- Requests for pairings or preferred starting times in the qualifying or tournament rounds will not be honored.
- The City Tournament Committee will make the final determination on any unusual or unforeseen occurrence both before and during the tournament.
All competitors in the Men’s City Golf Tournament are expected to play in the spirit of the game by:
- Acting with integrity – following the Rules, applying all penalties and being honest in all aspects of play
- Showing consideration to others – playing at a prompt pace, looking out for the safety of others, and not distracting the play of another player
- Taking good care of the course – replacing divots, smoothing bunkers, repairing ball-marks, and not causing unnecessary damage to the course.
Any of the following actions by a competitor or his caddie constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct:
- Unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to abusive language, cheating, club throwing, disrespect to officials, fellow competitors or volunteers, or abuse of host golf course property
- Violation of the USGA Policy on Gambling
- The use of alcohol while competing in the tournament
- Conduct unbecoming a player, such as acting excessively in anger or creating distractions for others
- Failure to treat the host golf course with respect by failing to care for the course or by damaging the course or its facilities
- Physical abuse, threat of physical abuse, or verbal abuse, toward any other person
Required Dress at the Golf Course
Appropriate golf attire is expected of all competitors. Collared shirts or mock turtlenecks, golf pants, or shorts should be worn at all times. Tank tops, T-shirts
denim shorts, gym shorts, jeans, and sweat pants are not approved. A competitor in violation of these requirements may not participate in the tournament.
Code of Conduct Violation Penalties
While a general warning may be issued if it is determined that a competitor may have unintentionally (or intentionally) violated the Code of Conduct, the Tournament Committee, in its sole discretion, may assess any or all of the following penalties, based upon the severity and frequency of a competitor’s actions:
- One-stroke penalty for the first violation
- General penalty for the second violation
- Immediate disqualification from the tournament for severe, excessive, or repeated action by the player
- Depending upon the severity of the violation, a tournament disqualification may also result in disqualification from future events
Entries are open to male amateur players who are residents of Vanderburgh, Posey, Warrick or Gibson counties as of June 1. Entries are subject to approval or rejection at any time (either before or after qualifying or during the championship) at the discretion of the screening committee of the City Tournament. Grounds for rejection may include unbecoming conduct. Entries will not be accepted without fee. No phone entries.
In determining the residency of a player, the screening committee, in its sole discretion, will consider the player’s primary residence and all other relevant factors. A player who meets at least three of the following criteria will have a strong, but not guaranteed, presumption of eligibility:
a.) Is qualified to vote in local and state elections in the four-county area.
b.) Pays Indiana income taxes, including through withholding.
c.) Has an Indiana driver’s license with an address in the four-county area.
d.) Owns a vehicle registered in one of the four counties.
e.) Can prove he has lived in the four-county area since January 1.
Rules for Students: A student who is claimed as a dependent on his parents’ or legal guardian’s income tax is deemed to be a resident of the same county and state in which his parents or legal guardian reside. If the parents meet the above eligibility criteria, a dependent student will be considered to meet the criteria. A student who is not claimed as a dependent is required to meet the above residency requirements.
To withdraw from the tournament, please contact the City Tournament Committee by the registration deadline to receive a full refund of your entry fee. Any withdrawal request made after that date will not be eligible for a refund.
As a general rule, players must walk the course at the Men’s City Golf Tournament and qualifying rounds (“Tournament”). Consistent with the Americans with disabilities Act (“ADA”), a disabled player may be permitted to use a golf cart as an accommodation to his disability. As required by the ADA, the Tournament Committee (“Committee”) will evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis.
If a player is permitted to use a golf cart, the following restrictions will apply:
1) Only one person may ride in a cart.
2) The player’s clubs may not be carried in a cart driven by him unless he has no caddie.
3) The cart driver must abide by all of the cart rules at the host golf facility, such as rules relating to cart fees, rules restricting where carts may be driven, and rules relating the minimum age required for cart drivers.
In order for the Committee to properly evaluate the merits of such requests while maintaining the fundamental fairness of the golf competition, it is necessary for players requesting this accommodation to submit medical documentation. This documentation must explain: 1) a player’s disability as defined by the ADA (temporary conditions may not be covered), and 2) the medical need for the golf cart that results from the disability. The committee will use this information to insure that granting an accommodation will not give the player an advantage over the other competitors.
The required documentation should take the form of a report from the physician who has evaluated the player’s condition. The information contained in the report should include:
1) The name of the disability,
2) The extent of the disability,
3) The prognosis for improvement,
4) The current objective abnormalities and how they impede upon the player’s ability to walk in general and during a golf tournament,
5) How far the player is able to walk without stopping,
6) What prohibits the player from walking further,
7) How long the player is able to stand, and,
8) Whether the player uses ambulatory aids and if so, the length of time and circumstances under which these aides are used.
This documentation must be provided to the Committee prior to the expiration of the time to submit entries to the Tournament. If the Committee denies the cart request, the player may withdraw from the Tournament if he wishes, and if he does so within 48 hours of notification of the denial, he will receive a full refund of his entry fee.
Except for minors, all requests for golf carts must be made by the player. For minors, only parents or legally-appointed guardians may submit a request for a golf cart.
Transportation for Disabled Spectators at the Men’s City Golf Tournament
As a general rule, carts will not be rented or provided to spectators. If requested by a disabled spectator, transportation will be provided to and from a viewing location selected by the Committee. Click here to contact the Committee.